Fetches a Centrifugo connection token required for establishing real-time socket connections for the specified user.
The ID of the user for whom the token is being fetched.
rateLimiterOptions: RateLimiterRequestOptionsOptional rate limiter configuration to control API requests.
A string containing the user's socket connection token.
This method internally uses getUser method to fetch the profile of the user, then extracts
the socketConnectionToken
HttpError if the response status code falls outside the 200–299 range.
UnregisteredUserError if the specified user is not registered in the authentication provider.
MissingScopeError if the provided access token is missing the required oauth-user-show
Fetches the authenticated user's information based on the provided user ID.
The ID of the user whose profile needs to be fetched.
rateLimiterOptions: RateLimiterRequestOptionsOptional rate limiter configuration to control API requests.
A DonationAlertsUser instance containing the user's profile information.
HttpError if the response status code falls outside the 200–299 range.
UnregisteredUserError if the specified user is not registered in the authentication provider.
MissingScopeError if the provided access token is missing the required oauth-user-show
Donation Alerts Users API.
Provides methods to interact with Donation Alerts users, including retrieving user profiles and socket connection tokens.