Interface RateLimiterOptions

Configuration options for the rate limiter.

interface RateLimiterOptions {
    limitReachedBehavior?: QueueEntryLimitReachedBehavior;
    limitToOneRequestPerSecond?: boolean;


limitReachedBehavior?: QueueEntryLimitReachedBehavior

Behavior to apply when the rate limit is reached.

Specifies what happens if the number of requests exceeds the rate limit. The available options are:

  • enqueue - Adds the request to a queue to be executed when possible.
  • throw - Throws a RateLimitReachedError when the limit is exceeded.
  • null - Returns null instead of executing the request.


limitToOneRequestPerSecond?: boolean

Whether to limit the number of requests to 1 per second.

According to the official documentation, the Donation Alerts API allows up to 60 requests per minute per application, which translates to 1 request per second.

By default, the library enforces this rate limit, ensuring that requests are executed sequentially at 1 request per second. For example, if you initiate 60 simultaneous requests, they will be queued and executed one by one.

If set to false, you can exceed the limit in a short period (e.g., 10 seconds), but subsequent requests will fail for the remaining duration of the 60-second window due to the API's rate limit.

Requests exceeding the limit are enqueued and executed later by default. You can customize this behavior using the RateLimiterOptions#limitReachedBehavior property.
