accessThe access token, required for all authenticated requests to the Donation Alerts API.
expiresThe time remaining, in seconds from the obtainment timestamp, until the access token expires.
obtainmentThe timestamp, in milliseconds since UNIX epoch, when the token was obtained.
refreshThe refresh token used to obtain a new access token when the current one expires.
scopesAn optional list of scopes that this access token is valid for.
It is highly recommended to set the valid scopes for tokens to enable the library to verify your tokens against required scopes.
With proper configuration, if you attempt to register an access token in an auth provider without the required scope, or make an API request to an endpoint that requires a scope the token does not have, a MissingScopeError will be thrown.
This error allows you to handle such scenarios properly, for example, by prompting the user to reauthorize your application with the necessary permissions.
The Donation Alerts API does not provide a way to validate the actual set of scopes associated with an access token. As a result, you must take responsibility for storing and managing tokens and their scopes.
Save the scopes alongside the access tokens in your application's persistent storage. This ensures that scope management for your access tokens is accurate and reliable.
Represents the data of an OAuth access token returned by Donation Alerts.