A fully-featured API client that enables seamless access to the Donation Alerts API. This library offers complete coverage of all available API endpoints.
:npm i @donation-alerts/api @donation-alerts/auth
:yarn add @donation-alerts/api @donation-alerts/auth
:pnpm add @donation-alerts/api @donation-alerts/auth
To instantiate an ApiClient, you need to provide an AuthProvider instance. For detailed instructions on setting up an AuthProvider
, please refer to the Authentication documentation.
import { ApiClient } from '@donation-alerts/api';
const apiClient = new ApiClient({
authProvider: authProvider,
For a complete list of available configuration options, see the documentation for ApiConfig.
After creating the ApiClient
, fetching data from the API becomes very straightforward. The client is organized into five namespaces:
Ensure that the user is registered with the authentication provider instance specified in the ApiConfig. Otherwise, the library will not be able to retrieve the user's access token required for requests, and it will throw an UnregisteredUserError.
Required scope: oauth-user-show
Currently, the Donation Alerts API only supports fetching the user associated with the access token used in the request.
const user = await apiClient.users.getUser(123456789);
This returns an instance of DonationAlertsUser.
Additionally, you can directly fetch the socket connection token:
const connectionToken = await apiClient.users.getSocketConnectionToken(123456789);
Required scope: oauth-donation-index
There are multiple ways to retrieve a user's donations.
The getDonations method accepts a user ID as its first argument:
const userId = 123456789;
const donations = await apiClient.donations.getDonations(userId);
This returns an array of DonationAlertsDonation objects.
This method returns an array of DonationAlertsDonation objects. By default, only the first page of donations is returned; to request a specific page, pass pagination options as the second argument:
const userId = 123456789;
const donations = await apiClient.donations.getDonations(userId, { page: 2 });
If you need to fetch all donations at once, you can use the getAllDonations method:
const donations = await apiClient.donations.getAllDonations(123456789);
This returns an array of DonationAlertsDonation objects.
Use this method with caution. Retrieving all donations can result in a significant amount of data and may take a long time, potentially causing performance issues or application crashes.
For more flexible pagination, the DonationAlertsApiPaginator class is available. This paginator allows you to navigate pages in both directions while keeping track of the current state.
const userId = 123456789;
const paginator = apiClient.donations.createDonationsPaginator(userId);
Once you have a paginator instance, you can navigate between pages using its methods:
const nextPage = await paginator.getNext();
const prevPage = await paginator.getPrev();
const page5 = await paginator.getPage(5);
const donations = await paginator.getAll();
The paginator also supports asynchronous iteration, yielding an array of donations for each page:
const userId = 123456789;
const paginator = apiClient.donations.createDonationsPaginator(userId);
for await (const page of paginator) {
In addition, the paginator provides useful properties to inspect the current state, such as currentPage, totalPages, perPage, and others. For a complete list of available properties and methods, refer to the paginator documentation.
You can reset the paginator’s state at any time using the reset method:
Required scope: oauth-custom_alert-store
Donation Alerts supports custom alerts. When a broadcaster creates a widget with the Custom alert
variation type, you can send alerts to that widget using this API.
await apiClient.customAlerts.sendCustomAlert(123456789, {
header: 'Custom Alert',
message: 'Hello!',
That's it — the widget triggers the alert immediately. For a complete list of configuration options when sending custom alerts, please refer to the DonationAlertsSendCustomAlertData documentation.
Donation Alerts supports real-time notifications over the WebSocket protocol. To receive these notifications, you must subscribe to the private channels you’re interested in. This API simplifies that process.
You must obtain a UUIDv4 client ID to subscribe users. This client ID is NOT the same as your Donation Alerts application client ID. For more details, consult the official Donation Alerts documentation.
If you need to listen to real-time Donation Alerts notifications, consider using the @donation-alerts/events package. It offers a straightforward way to subscribe to Donation Alerts channels without additional configuration.
To subscribe to private channels, use the subscribeUserToPrivateChannels method:
const userId = 123456789;
const clientId = '<OBTAINED_UUIDV4_CLIENT_ID>';
const channels = await apiClient.centrifugo.subscribeUserToPrivateChannels(userId, clientId, [
This method returns an array of DonationAlertsCentrifugoChannel objects, each containing a channel name and a subscription token.
To subscribe to a private channel, DonationAlerts requires the channel name to follow the format <channel>_<userId>
, but you don't need to create the complete name manually. For instance, if you wish to subscribe to donation notifications ($alerts:donation
) for a user with the ID 123456789
, simply provide the base channel name. The library will automatically append the user ID to form the full channel name: $alerts:donation_123456789
If you prefer to pass an already fully formed channel name and disable the automatic transformation, provide DonationAlertsCentrifugoSubscribeOptions as the fourth argument with the property transformChannel
set to false
const userId = 123456789;
const clientId = '<OBTAINED_UUIDV4_CLIENT_ID>';
const channels = await apiClient.centrifugo.subscribeUserToPrivateChannels(
// You are passing a valid channel here
// Here you can pass options object and disable transformation
{ transformChannel: false },
In this case, the library won't transform the channel.
In addition to this generic method, there are specialized methods to subscribe to specific notification channels:
For example:
const userId = 123456789;
const clientId = '<OBTAINED_UUIDV4_CLIENT_ID>';
const donationChannel = await apiClient.centrifugo.subscribeUserToDonationAlertEvents(userId, clientId);
const goalUpdateChannel = await apiClient.centrifugo.subscribeUserToGoalUpdateEvents(userId, clientId);
const pollUpdateChannel = await apiClient.centrifugo.subscribeUserToPollUpdateEvents(userId, clientId);
These methods also accept DonationAlertsCentrifugoSubscribeOptions as an optional parameter, allowing you to disable channel transformation if needed.
Merchandise API hasn't been tested because access to these endpoints is provided upon request. Please refer to the official documentation for more details.
DonationAlerts enables merchants to sell their merchandise by providing API methods to create or update products and to send sale notifications.
To create merchandise, use the createMerchandise method:
const userId = 123456789;
const clientSecret = 'SUPER_SECRET_STRING';
const merchadiseData: DonationAlertsCreateMerchandiseData = {
merchantIdentifier: '<MERCHANT_ID>',
merchandiseIdentifier: '<MERCHANDISE_ID>',
title: {
en_US: 'English Title',
ru_RU: 'Русский заголовок',
isActive: true,
isPercentage: true,
currency: 'EUR',
priceUser: 5,
priceService: 2,
imgUrl: '<IMAGE_URL>',
endTimestamp: 1660632051919,
const createdMerchandise = await apiClient.merchandise.createMerchandise(userId, clientSecret, merchadiseData);
For details on all available merchandise options, see the DonationAlertsCreateMerchandiseData documentation.
The en_US
title is mandatory, while other language titles are optional.
Updating merchandise is straightforward with the updateMerchandise method:
const userId = 123456789;
const merchandiseId = '987654321';
const clientSecret = 'SUPER_SECRET_STRING';
const merchadiseData: DonationAlertsUpdateMerchandiseData = {
title: {
en_US: 'Updated English Title',
ru_RU: 'Обновленный русский заголовок',
isActive: false,
const createdMerchandise = await apiClient.merchandise.updateMerchandise(
Unlike DonationAlertsCreateMerchandiseData, all fields in DonationAlertsUpdateMerchandiseData are optional, allowing you to update only the desired values.
A combined createOrUpdateMerchandise method which allows updating merchandise, or create if it doesn't exist yet:
const userId = 123456789;
const clientSecret = 'SUPER_SECRET_STRING';
const merchadiseData: DonationAlertsCreateMerchandiseData = {
merchantIdentifier: '<MERCHANT_ID>',
merchandiseIdentifier: '<MERCHANDISE_ID>',
title: {
en_US: 'English Title',
ru_RU: 'Русский заголовок',
isActive: true,
isPercentage: true,
currency: 'EUR',
priceUser: 5,
priceService: 2,
imgUrl: '<IMAGE_URL>',
endTimestamp: 1660632051919,
const merchandise = await apiClient.merchandise.createOrUpdateMerchandise(userId, clientSecret, merchadiseData);
To send a merchandise sale notification, use the sendSaleAlert method:
const userId = 123456789;
const clientSecret = 'SUPER_SECRET_STRING';
const alertData: DonationAlertsSendMerchandiseSaleAlertData = {
merchantIdentifier: '<MERCHANT_ID>',
merchandiseIdentifier: '<MERCHANDISE_ID>',
amount: 10,
currency: 'EUR',
username: '<USERNAME>',
await apiClient.merchandise.sendSaleAlert(userId, clientSecret, alertData);
For a complete list of available alert data fields, refer to the DonationAlertsSendMerchandiseSaleAlertData documentation.
According to the official documentation, the Donation Alerts API restricts each application to 60 requests per minute — essentially, 1 request per second.
By default, the library enforces this limit, so even if you initiate 60 concurrent requests, they will be executed one by one at a rate of 1 per second.
You can adjust rate the limiter behavior by providing rateLimiterOptions to the ApiClient
import { ApiClient } from '@donation-alerts/api';
const apiClient = new ApiClient({
authProvider: authProvider,
rateLimiterOptions: {
limitToOneRequestPerSecond: true,
limitReachedBehavior: 'enqueue',
Setting limitToOneRequestPerSecond to false
means that you might reach the rate limit sooner (for example, 60 requests in 10 seconds), after which the library will be idle until the next 60-second window. By default, this option is enabled.
Furthermore, you can specify the behavior when the rate limit is reached using limitReachedBehavior. The default is enqueue
, which queues requests that exceed the rate limit until they can be sent. Other options include throw
and null
. For more details, refer to the documentation.
These settings define the default behavior at the API client level; however, you can override them on a per-request basis. For instance:
const user = await apiClient.users.getUser(123456789, {
limitReachedBehavior: 'throw',
In this scenario, the method will throw a RateLimitReachedError
if the rate limit is exceeded.
Each data instance returned by the library is immutable and exposes its data through getters, ensuring that properties cannot be reassigned. For convenience, every data instance implements a toJSON()
method, which serializes the instance into a plain JavaScript object representation of the data.
This method is automatically invoked when the instance is passed to JSON.stringify()
. In Node.js, it is also used when the instance is logged via console.log()
, utilizing the util.inspect
If you wish to explore the structure of the data instance, it is always preferable to refer to the official documentation rather than relying on logging. A data instance may include additional utility methods that are not serialized by toJSON()
. The documentation also provides detailed descriptions of all available properties and methods.
Also, each data instance retains the original response retrieved from the Donation Alerts API. This raw response is hidden and immutable but can be accessed via the getRawData
function provided by the @donation-alerts/common
import { getRawData } from '@donation-alerts/common';
const userId = 123456789;
const donations = await apiClient.donations.getDonations(userId);
const rawData = getRawData(donations[0]);
At the time of writing, the output resembles the following structure:
interface DonationRawData {
id: number;
name: 'Donations';
username: string;
message: string;
message_type: string;
payin_system: { title: string } | null;
amount: number;
currency: string;
is_shown: 0 | 1;
amount_in_user_currency: number;
recipient_name: string;
recipient: {
user_id: number;
code: string;
name: string;
avatar: string;
created_at: string;
created_at_ts: number;
shown_at: string | null;
shown_at_ts: number | null;
As you may notice, the raw response includes some fields that are neither directly exposed by the library nor mentioned in Donation Alerts' official documentation.
For best practices, avoid depending on undocumented fields, as their structure or availability may change over time.
For additional information, please refer to the documentation.