Creates a new instance of StaticAuthProvider.
The client ID associated with your application.
scopes: string[]An optional list of required scopes to validate against.
Adds a user and their related token data to this auth provider.
The ID of the user.
The access token.
scopes: string[]An optional list of scopes associated with the access token. These scopes will be compared against the scopes specified in the constructor. the scopes specified in the constructor (if any).
InvalidTokenError if the access token is empty or undefined.
MissingScopeError if the token scopes miss required scopes.
Gets the access token data for the specified user.
The ID of a user whose token is being requested.
scopes: string[]An optional list of required scopes to validate against the token's current scopes.
UnregisteredUserError if the user is not registered with this provider.
MissingScopeError if the token does not include the required scopes.
Retrieves the scopes currently associated with the specified user's access token.
Returns an empty array if no scopes were set during user registration.
The ID of a user whose scopes should be retrieved.
UnregisteredUserError - Thrown if the user is not registered with this provider.
Checks if the specified user is already registered in this auth provider.
The ID of the user to look for.
A boolean indicating whether the user is registered.
Removes an existing user from this auth provider.
The ID of the user to remove.
A non-refreshable (static) authentication provider that always returns the initially provided credentials.